Email for Mobile 1 Supercar motor oil (SPEC)

Client: Mobil 1 Motor Oil

Mobil 1 needed copy to get owners of high-performance cars to visit their website and buy their premium fully synthetic lubricant. The tone was to be exciting, urgent, promotional, and serious.


The email needed to attract the attention of male high-performance car enthusiasts aged 35–50 who changed their own oil. Mobil 1 wanted them to go online and buy their Supercar motor oil, made for certain high-performance sports cars. It was important to lay out the benefits of this advanced synthetic oil, but without insulting the intelligence of the target audience or focusing on benefits that would not resonate with them (and might turn them off).


The from-line, subject-line, and preview snippet highlighted the benefits of the motor oil with brevity and clarity (it boosts performance, saves money, and protects cars), improving the email’s chance of being read.

This specialty lubricant slightly lowers fuel consumption. It also lengthens the life of cars, reducing waste. These aren’t benefits that typically concern the target audience, so I choose to express them benefit in terms of money, not environmental impact.

In the body, the headlines and subhead expand on the benefits, adding a note of promotional urgency with a time-limited offer. It reads like the owner of the motor oil company giving advice to a car-enthusiast friend over a beer, with pain points directed not at him, but at other guys who don’t have quite as much common sense as the reader. Length of the text, paragraphs and sentences is kept short to increase readability.

Email Header:

FROM: Mobil 1

SUBJECT: Protect your high-performance car with Mobil 1 Supercar motor oil.

SNIPPET: Now 10% off! Smoother Running, Better Milage, Less Repairs.

Mobil 1 Email sales letter for supercar oil.
Designer: Alexander Arenas