Pure Impact Boxing Gym — direct mail (SPEC)


Pure Impact Boxing Gym


The gym wanted to drive walk-in traffic and was targeting busy, active, fitness-conscious adults aged 22–38 who wanted to work out hard and whenever they could.


Pure Impact’s competitive advantage was its extended opening hours and flexible training schedule. Both sides of the 11″ x 6″ direct mail jumbo postcard had to be catchy and show the benefits, since either could be seen first. I highlighted the extended opening hours on the front, and on the back I showcased the tough workouts, with some crossover of content. My subheads promoted the new hours, the workout quality, and the free 3-day pass. To add urgency, I added a deadline. Testimonials in quotation marks gave proof for the key benefits. I needed to cut testimonials and gym features down to the essential so that the postcard would be attractive and easy to read.

Copywriting portfolio piece for boxing gym - Brent Miller Copywriting and Kliq Creatives design
Design by Kingsley Sunday (Kliq Creatives)